Rutas los Murales

1.- Deconstruction of the Birth of Venus, Mural Art

Year of the work 2021

The large mural with the image of Botticelli’s Venus, created by the group of artists “Triple M Artists”, won 1st Prize in the 2nd “Inocencio Medina Vera” Painting Competition in Archena.

It interprets the figure of Botticelli’s Venus, the muse par excellence in the history of art.

This pictorial work is adapted to the environment through urban art. In this way, taking advantage of the perspective and the play of the staircase, vertices are created that allow this deconstruction.

Technique: acrylic paint

Dimensions: 36m. wide X 14m. high.

2.- Year of the work: 2021

This Mural was created with the aim of vindicating the figure of women in society, with the design and coordination of the multidisciplinary creative Noelia Muriana, painter and sculptor from Murcia. Fifteen women – five international, five national, five Murcian – are represented in this work, defenders throughout history of the rights of gender equality. A large number of local residents of Archena have participated in its creation.

Women represented in the Mural:

Hipatia of Alexandria, Clara Campoamor Rodríguez, Victoria Kent Siano, María Segarra Salcedo, Carmen Conde Abellán, Frida Kahlo, Concepción Arenal Ponte, Oliva de Sabuco, Piedad de la Cierva Viudes, Gloria Fuertes García, Nina Simone, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Margarita Salas Falgueras, Valentina Tereshkova and a representation of Archena women.

Technique: acrylic painting.

3.- Year of the work 2019

Homage to Inocencio Medina Vera, his work, his land, his traditions and his culture. With tonal ranges that refer both to the natural tones of the Murcian huerta, as well as those of its typical costumes, as he reflected in his work.

Work by María Soledad González-Reforma Martínez and María Escarabajal Martínez, winners of the First Prize in the Archena Mural Painting Competition.

Technique: acrylic paint.

Dimensions: 26m. wide X 2,40m. high.

Year of the work: 2019

This Mural is the special prize of the Mural Painting Competition, held by the Archena Town Hall, whose author is Pedro Pablo Reyes Riquelme.

– Homage to Inocencio Medina Vera. This work is made up of various elements that deal with the works carried out by the illustrious painter, themes that he used on a recurring basis in his canvases, engravings, caricatures, etc. His bullfighting themes, the orchard and its fruits, water, the huerta woman, with the portrait of Medina Vera presiding over the central part of the mural.

The technique used is exclusively spray paint, resorting to a style based on the geometrisation of the figures and a combination of flat and gradient colours in the range of blues and greens, thus reflecting the orchard and the water, the essence of his land, Archena.

A work that the author interprets exquisitely and with great mastery, leaving the spectator’s imagination free to immerse us in the world of the plastic arts.

Technique: spray.

Dimensions: 9m. wide X 2,50m. high.

5.- Year of the work: 2019

Carried out by the users of the “Llano del Barco” Intellectual Disability Day Centre in Archena, directed by Francisco José Torrano Rojo (artist and Bachelor of Fine Arts). Fifteen users took part.

Urban Art Mural that includes the corporate image commemorating the centenary of the death of Inocencio Medina Vera, one of the most important artists of the early twentieth century. Although he died very young, he was able to capture in his illustrations the everyday life of a society in turmoil. In his paintings he elevated the everyday to the extraordinary, and so this mural is a tribute to the humorous, almost journalistic illustration that reflected the society of the time.

Technique: acrylic coating.

Dimensions: 9m. wide x 2.50m. high.


Year of the work 2018

This work with the face of the famous painter from Archena, Inocencio Medina Vera, painter and illustrator from Archena, was carried out as part of the celebration of the centenary of his death.

It is a thick acrylic painting technique with a palette knife which gives it an impressionist character.

The work makes the passer-by look up, creating what the artist of this mural, Carlos Callizo, painter and professor at the University of Murcia, intends with this work.

Technique: thick acrylic paint (creates shadows) with a palette knife.

Dimensions: 21m. wide x 10m. high

7.- Archena Thermal Paradise

Year of the work July 2022

Once again by the artist Carlos Callizo, we can enjoy this mural which, as the author states, “urban art serves to revitalise and beautify a city”.

The work made in acrylic paint and coated with varnish to provide greater security and adhesion to the wall (14 meters high x 10 wide), is the last Mural of this route, located in the Urbanization Rio Sol on the Carretera del Balneario. This artistic manifestation is entitled “Archena, Thermal Paradise” and recreates a woman emerging from the thermal waters, an image that conveys wellbeing and relaxation, the result of the benefits of the medicinal mineral waters of the Archena Spa. In a unique natural setting, with a view of Mount Ope, one of the most representative symbols of the town.


Rutas los Murales


Routes Archena Natural and Cultural


Route of the Ope Viewpoints


Route 3 Cultures

Monte Ope viewpoint route in Archena