Route of the Ope Viewpoints

Start of Routes (Museum next to the Monolito Gerrero Monolith)

– Entrance to Paseo Rivereño and Vicente Medina Route

– War Shelter

The importance of the Archena Tank Base and School for the Republican side is demonstrated by the visits of illustrious figures such as the Minister of Defence Indalecio Prieto and the presidents of the Government Francisco Largo Caballero and Juan Negrín. During the Civil War, Archena was a town of 8,000 inhabitants.

In Archena, three air-raid shelters were built in the Balneario. The town of Archena was at serious risk from air raids due to the settlement of the Soviet tank base, but it did not suffer any air raids.

Cabezo del Ciervo, shaped like an eagle, symbol of San Juan.  The present-day town of Archena arose in the Middle Ages, when after the signing of the Treaty of Alcaraz (by which the Taifa of Murcia became a Castilian protectorate) the town came under the jurisdiction of the Order of St. John, within the Encomienda of Calasparra (to which it belonged until the 19th century).

Nature’s whims make this mountain the silhouette of an eagle. The eagle symbolises Juan because this bird is considered to be a wise and clairvoyant animal, which when it flies looks directly at the sun. The connotation of the golden eagle is one of strength, power, dominion over others, warrior character, aggressiveness and bravery. During the War of Independence, this species was used in different banners, signifying the yearning for freedom.


– Virgen de la Salud Chapel and Termas Hotel

– Here we take a tarmac road to the left.

– We follow the asphalted road to the end and take the road to the right.

– Turn right.

During the route of the “Miradores del Monte Ope”, we will discover the highest hill of the village, full of history, symbolism, myths and legends, populated in the argaric period more than 4000 years ago. Due to its altitude, we can contemplate many of the villages that form the Ricote Valley, the vegetation that irrigates the Segura River with its waterwheels and irrigation channels, drawing orchards in impossible terrain, riverside forest or the palm grove of the Parque de la Marquesa. We can also see the medieval remains of the Archena castle, which communicated with the nearest villages in the valley in Moorish times.

– We go up until we reach some stairs which take us along a tarmac road to the first viewpoint.

– Viewpoint 1

– We go up a path of earth and stones and we go upwards. This path will take us to the rest of the viewpoints.

– Viewpoint 2

– Viewpoint 3

– Viewpoint 4

– Viewpoint 5

– From this viewpoint, go backwards until you reach a path with cobbled steps on the right and go down an asphalted road until you reach the starting point.


Rutas los Murales


Routes Archena Natural and Cultural


Route of the Ope Viewpoints


Route 3 Cultures

Monte Ope viewpoint route in Archena